Upgrades for 155 housing units on McNamara Street

Upgrades for 155 housing units on McNamara Street

The Nipissing District Housing Corporation (NDHC) is getting over $1.5 million from the feds to help install electric heat and increase accessibility in 155 of their units.   

The money is coming from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.  

Anthony Rota, MP for Nipissing-Timiskaming says converting fuel burning heating systems to electric, as well as attic insulation upgrades will help boost energy efficiency.  

“The important thing about this funding is we have existing housing and if we don’t take care of it, it disappears and then we have less,” he says. “It’s important to build and maintain what we have.”  

Upgrades to help those who are hearing or vision impaired are also being installed. 

Mark King, Chair of the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board, says they're grateful for the federal funding.  

He says it comes at a time when the need for affordable housing has never been greater, adding the board will continue to advocate for more safe and affordable houses for people to live in. 

“The Northern Ontario [Service Deliverers] Association basically talked about a thousand units across Northern Ontario,” he says. “We’re one of the big five so I would say 200-300 homes are actually the need at this point.”  

King adds they need the private sector to help boost affordable housing numbers.


Officials say the upgrades will help extend the life expectancy of some of NDHC's housing stock, adding the oldest was built in 1966, and the newest in 1993. 

Nipissing Housing is contributing just over $3.6 million to the project, with the total cost over $5.1 million.

**With files from Bradley Aubin

 The post Upgrades for 155 housing units on McNamara Street appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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