Fellow in Yellow

He’s known as the ‘Fellow in Yellow’.
Trevor Redmond’s cross-Canada run, with a goal of health, mobility and recovery for all, is approaching North Bay.
After nearly losing his leg in an accident at age 15, the now 53-year-old has traveled over 30,000 km across Canada while walking, biking and his current run.
He’s surpassed 5,200 km so far on this trip.
“For me, it feels like a responsibility to go out there and try to inspire people as well who may be going through some of the same struggles I went through,” Redmond told MyMuskokaNow.com in December. “What I have been doing in support of my journey is anybody that gives $10 towards my journey, I will give them a kilometre of the journey to inspire themselves or dedicate it to somebody else to inspire them.”
Redmond is heading through South River on Thursday, then Trout Creek towards North Bay this week.
For more information visit thereandbackcanada.ca/
**With files from Mauricio Prado
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