North Bay Rotary Stepping Up to Help

North Bay Rotary donates funds to area food banks
The Rotary Club of North Bay has donated a total of $35,000 to 16 food banks in North Bay and the surrounding communities this summer and fall.
The North Bay and Salvation Army food banks each received $5,000, West Nipissing and Mattawa food banks received $4,000 each, Nipissing First Nation and Callander food banks each received $2,500, with the Temagami and Bonfield/Rutherglen food banks both receiving $2,000.
The balance of the funding was disbursed to eight churches in North Bay, each receiving $1,000. The churches were Emmanuel United, St. John’s Anglican, Trinity United, St. Andrew’s United, Redeemer Lutheran, St. Brice’s Anglican, Pro Cathedral and St. Peter’s Catholic.
“The club recognizes just how important each of these organizations are to the communities and families they serve throughout the year, and particularly at this time of the year”, state club president Grace Doiron. Doiron added “Rotary is all about Service above self”.
The funding was made possible thanks to the many individuals who play Rotary-At-Home TV Bingo each Wednesday evening on YourTV (Cogeco Channels 12 and HD 700) and/or purchase Catch The Ace of Spades raffle tickets each week.
Since March 2023, the Rotary Club of North Bay has donated $93,500.00 to various food programmes and food banks in North Bay and surrounding area. And, as of June 30, 2024, the club disbursed a grand total of $2,067,990.00 over the years from the three lottery accounts.